The Vatican Calls for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to Protect People and Planet

On 21 July 2022  the Vatican  called for an international treaty that tackles the climate crisis at its source: fossil fuels. The call builds on the Vatican’s calls for fossil fuel divestment and new policies for investments in “a more just and sustainable world”.

It complements the call of Laudato Si’ (2015) to protect the environment, reduce wasteful lifestyles, stem global warming and protect the poor from climate change and the Laudato Si’ Action Platform initiative to “see our communities committed in different ways to becoming totally sustainable, in the spirit of integral ecology”.

The proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty would complement the Paris Agreement by establishing a specific international mechanism to manage a fair and rapid phase out of coal, oil and gas that enables countries to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, support workers and communities, transition rapidly to renewable energy, and build more diverse economies.

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