Laudato Si’ Week: 16-25 May

The new LAUDATO SI’ ACTION PLAN with its 7 Laudato Si’ Goals was launched on May 25, 2021
​The LSAP is a program designed as a journey of commitment to be taken over 7 years to live out the intention of the 7 Laudato Si’ Goals within 7 arenas of  life.  Its purpose is to make communities around the world totally sustainable in the spirit of the integral ecology of Laudato Si’.

Laudato Si’ week in May 2021 was ‘the crowning event’ of the special anniversary year, a celebration of the progress made by Church communities since the publishing of the encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, Our Common Home, and a time to reflect on what we have learnt as we prepare for the future with hope.
There were many ways to be engaged in this week, including re-reading and reflecting on the document.
​Text and audio versions can be found here, along with other useful resources.

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