Mercy Global Presence is an organic entity and a countercultural sign in a globalised world which has made more extreme the displacement of persons and degradation of Earth. Mercy Global Presence links congregations/institutes, individual Sisters of Mercy and Associates, partners in Mercy, and Mercy International Association in creative and energising ways.
Mercy Global Presence reflection sessions will begin again this month.
February MGP Meeting Zoom details:
Topic: Mercy Global Presence – reflection overview facilitated by Adele Howard
Segment 3 Presence. Theme 3. Presence in Ministry and Community
and Theme 4. Presence to Self and Others
Tuesday, February 23 at 11.00 AM AEDT
Meeting ID: 851 8636 5031
Other upcoming MGP Sessions
Tuesday, April 13th 11.00am – Segment 4 Integrated. Theme 1. Contemplative Seeing
Tuesday May 4th 11.00am – Segment 4 Integrated Theme 2. Compassionate Heart
Tuesday June 8th 11.00am – Segment 4 Integrated Theme 3. Mercying
Tuesday July 6th 11.00am. – Segment 4 Integrated Theme 4. Creating Circles and Culture of Mercy