Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Plan for Action

The platform will create a space for the universal Church — and beyond — to respond to the global emergency we are facing. Through it we can learn and grow together as we take decisive action to build a better future in the spirit of Laudato Si'

Cardinal Turkson
All are invited to participate in the LSAP program. Pledge your commitment to develop your Laudato Si’ plan.

The 7 Year Program for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) has a focus on:

  •    7 Laudato Si’ Goals to be implemented across
  •    7 organisations/institutions in various arenas of life

​Vision for Action
The purpose of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform is: 
To make communities around the world totally sustainable in the spirit of the integral ecology of Laudato Si’.

The 7 Laudato Si’ Goals  (LSGs)

The Goals are the destination… and transformative practices are the means to get there.
The seven goals are:
  1. response to the cry of the Earth,
  2. response to the cry of the Poor,
  3. ecological economics,
  4. adoption of sustainable lifestyles,
  5. ecological education,
  6. ecological spirituality
  7. community resilience and empowerment

​Laudato Si’ Action Platform Resources

​The Laudato Si’ Action Platform was announced formally on May 25th, 2021.
Organisations and communities of faith are invited to take part in this process of conversion to integral ecology.
A formal launch of the Platform will take place on November 14, 2021.

To facilitate this, a proposed process will include three ‘Elements’ or ‘Pillars’ which will guide planning efforts in:
1.  making a public commitment;
2.  making a transition to integral ecology, and
3.  journeying togetherEach of these Elements or Pillars comprises 4 components, as per the table below:


i)    Commit your community to complete the transition to Integral Ecology within 7 years
ii)   Communicate the commitment to the public
iii)  Be accountable to the public
iv)  Celebrate accomplishments


i)   Assess your situation in relation to the 7 Laudato Si’ Goals
ii)  Embed the plan for your transition into your community project cycle
iii) Evaluate your yearly journey and track your progress against set targets
iv) Certify your level of accomplishment


i)   Participate in global campaigns for integral ecology
ii)  Join or form a Constellation for sharing and exchanging experiences
iii) Link up with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform
iv) Invite other communities to join in/form partnerships (also North/South)
This approach gives us the “architecture” for developing guides and toolkits that organisations or communities  may use in order to facilitate their journey of transition to integral ecology.
From the Dicastery for Integral Human Development – Religious Sector Working Group, Adele Howard (member).
May 2021.

The 7 Laudato Si’ Objectives – another description of the 7 Goals

From the Infographic “An Environmentally Sustainable lifestyle”, The Pope Video, September 2021